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Project Detail

Regional Urban Development Project (RUDP), Design and Supervision Consultant Services for Far Western Region in Province 7 Project Municipalities: Bheemdutt, Dhangadi, Godavari, Shuklaphanta Funded by ADB loan (3566- NEP (COL) Project No. 47252-002 NEP)


Project Description

Preparation of Urban Development Plans (Bheemdutta Prepared - Three other municipalities under preparation) , infrastructure master plans (Bheemdutta Prepared- Three other municipalities under preparation), Base Maps, Risk sensitive land use plan (Bheemdutta Prepared-Three other municipalities under preparation), Detail project report on land pooling project (all four schemes under preparation), Assessed quality and accuracy of existing geo-referenced digital map, Prepared geo-referenced digital inventory maps, Prepared road hierarchy by defining right of way road and off road standard, Delineated poverty ridden areas within the municipality, delineated gender inequality or gender discrimination problem areas, Carried out urban growth trend and multi hazard assessment, studying of  geo-morphologic map and flood zones river bank erosion land use information, Preparation of zoning maps (Bheemdutta Prepared- Three other municipalities under preparation), Preparation of land use map (Bheemdutta Prepared-Three other municipalities under preparation), Identifying  potential land pooling sites for residential development (two schemes identified), Conducted Detail Design, working drawings, quantity and cost estimates and prepared tender documents for the road and drainage infrastructure projects (Four Package), and Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) and Fecal sludge Treatment Plants Sites (Two package with 3 years operation and management provision), and two office municipality buildings, Preparation of the Urban Sanitation Plan for the entire four municipalities (Under Preparation), Determination of fecal sludge quantity and quality for improved fecal sludge management (FSM) of all four municipalities, Prepared 20-year capital investment plan, institutional arrangements for collection transportation and disposal of solid wastes, Technical and financial viability of landfill site, capital investment plan for municipal solid waste management (Prepared for two municipalities),